The goal of the Marketing Guru, LLC Marketing Seminar is to help business the vision and values of both the owners and staff. The key is to identify the brand image and personality that connects with potential clients. . These workshops also help clients create individualized brand marketing plans based on specific needs and challenges. All marketing campaigns are not the same. However, the techniques to achieve success are tried and true and if incorporated, they will positively promote the respective brand or business.



Our Marketing Seminars will help determine the market penetration of your brand and create action plans to help increase brand awareness and overall effectiveness.


Creating a unique message for your industry allows the opportunity to use the strategy created and implement campaigns around those existing strategies. This will help to isolate and streamline the workflow so that the message of the brand remains coherent.


With both a cohesive strategy and messaging program, it is crucial at this point to remain consistent across all channels. Brand awareness will increase as a consistent message is presented to your target audience.


From Customer Service to Marketing, consumers gauge reputable businesses on consistency and the frequency of that consistency. Communication has so many tools with the help of Social Media, that the Marketing Seminars help to identify the best frequency or communication rate with which to engage your audience with CTA’s and value driven interactions.

If you need help with your creative strategy, campaign development, or simply maximizing your marketing efforts, then a Marketing Seminar is the perfect fit!